Binding: The Final Step of the Ultimate beginner Quilt SEries - Sponsored by FAt Quarter Shop10/23/2019 The Ultimate Beginner Quilt Series has come to an end, but it's been so much fun! Thank you to everyone who has watched my videos and shared so many kind comments! If you missed them you can search my name on YouTube and all the videos that I have done with Fat Quarter Shop will pop up. Or you can look at my previous blog posts, I have them all linked. Today we will finally get to add binding and finish them!! Woo Hoo!! I love binding, but I used to really hate it!! So if you have trouble with it, don't give up. There are several different ways to attach binding to a quilt, so if you keep looking, you are bound to find a technique that works for you. In addition to Kimberly's video I have also created two different videos to help. (But I first want to tell you that these videos were done at home on my iPhone, they are not good quality, so before you share negative comments, please keep that in mind.) *The first one is the simple binding method, there is no measuring and it's always the first technique that I show any new quilty friends that want to learn. In this video I used a practice quilt sandwich just to show you how to attach it. I also many a second video showing the more traditional method of attaching your binding... Here is a video I made a couple months ago for some friends of mine that wanted a quick video on how I do my hand binding. Here are a few of my favorite pictures of my finished quilt, I hope you have enjoyed this sew along, and I really hope you continue to make more quilts! Please come follow me on Instagram and Facebook, I love sharing all the new projects I get to do for Fat Quarter Shop!
Instagram: gina_tell_threadgraffiti Facebook: Thread Graffiti Long Arm Quilting by Gina Tell
AuthorHey Y'all, I'm Gina Tell! I live on Lake Travis just North of Austin Texas. I'm a full time long arm quilter and lover of all this art and outdoors!! Archives
January 2025